Convio and Accessibility

Convio recognizes the special importance that our clients place on constituents with disabilities. That is why Convio is committed to providing tools that enable nonprofit organizations to create accessible content for web pages and email messages.

Convio helps organizations achieve accessibility goals while offering dynamic, interactive, and personalized web content. Convio content management and email marketing tools make checking for page accessibility simple and enable nonprofits to create dynamic, personalized, Section 508-compliant websites and emails.

Users with special needs can:

  • Read web pages and email using common audio screen readers
  • Browse through images, links, and tables that utilize appropriate alternative text
  • Automatically enlarge page sizing specifications and fonts based on their browser or email client settings

Nonprofit staff members who produce web content can:

  • Create, manage, and deploy accessible content
  • Check pages and emails for accessibility
  • Choose setting at or above required standards to ensure maximum accessibility.

Accessibility guidelines and features

The Web Accessibility Initiative (under the leadership of the W3C) has developed a set of 14 guidelines or general principles of accessible design. Each guideline has a set of:

  • Checkpoints - how the guideline must be implemented
  • Priorities - how important this checkpoint is for accessibility

The priority of each checkpoint determine compliance:

  • Priority 1 - A web content developer must satisfy this checkpoint. Otherwise, one or more groups will find it impossible to access information in the document. (Example: Provide an ALT tag for all images on the page)
  • Priority 2 - A web content developer should satisfy this checkpoint. Otherwise, one or more groups will find it difficult to access information in the document. (Example: Use style sheets to control layout and presentation)
  • Priority 3 - A web content developer may address this checkpoint. Otherwise, one or more groups will find it somewhat difficult to access information in the document. (Example: Place distinguishing information at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, etc)

Convio supports the creation of content that complies with all Priority 1 and Priority 2 guidelines plus any ADA Section 508 guidelines.

Web or email content generated by Convio tools has the following set of features to ensure accessibility:

  • Images on web pages
  • ALT tags
  • No reliance on image-based navigation
  • Downward compatible with older browsers (HTML version 3.2)
  • Support for text-only mode for "spoken" or Braille browsers
  • Forms on web pages
  • Field labels
  • Field groupings
  • Access keys
  • Email accessibility
  • Support for text-only versions
  • Selectable format (HTML vs. text)

In addition to accessibility compliance, Convio also provides a set of tools that can be used by content developers and editors to ensure accessibility of content prior to posting on the web.

Learn more

Convio and Accessibility | Convio