July/August 2008 Helping nonprofits build enduring constituent relationships through the Internet

Dear nonprofit professional,

According to Jupiter Research, the number of households online in the US will grow to 98 million by 2013, up from 85 million in 2007. This means that almost 80 percent of the overall US population will be online within the next 5 years.

These numbers reinforce the fact that engagement with your donors, volunteers and other supporters will continue to evolve. And, your organization will need to evolve, too — by getting your data more integrated, coordinating traditional and online communications channels, and adopting new and better ways of doing things.

Today's world demands technology solutions that help you control costs, increase revenue, and know your supporters better than ever. We send you this issue of Convio Connection to open doors to new ideas and technologies that will help you meet today's demands.


Gene Austin
Chief Executive Officer, Convio

Nonprofit 2.0 - Leveraging Technology and Social Capital
By Vinay Bhagat, Founder, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer, Convio
Larger nonprofits can learn from their smaller peers that leverage technology and social capital to gain efficiencies online and offline.
Question: What is Being Done to Improve Advocacy Communications with Congress?
Answer by Dr. Bill Pease, Chief Scientist, Convio
What is "Open" and Why is It So Important for Nonprofits?
By Michelle Murrain, MetaCentric Technology Advising, and Nonprofit Open Source Initiative
Open Source software, open data access — what's all the buzz about?
Nonprofits Reach Common Ground for Building Stronger Constituent Relationships
By Sam Heywood, Senior Product Manager, Convio
Traditional donor management evolves to true Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) with Convio's new CRM system for nonprofits.
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Complimentary Paper
Wired Wealthy: Using the Internet to Connect with Your Middle and Major Donors
Featured Convio Partner
NFP Technologies provides implementation, data conversion, and integration services for Convio Common Ground
Nonprofit Jobs

Convio and onPhilanthropy offer your organization one free job listing on DotOrgJobs, the job board for nonprofit executives. Use Coupon Code CONVIO78, expires Sept 30, 2008.
Nonprofit News
Convio News
Convio Events
DMA Nonprofit Federation Conference
New York, NY
August 14 - 15, 2008
Pre-conference workshop: Online Marketing Academy (August 13)
ASAE Annual Meeting and Expo
San Diego, CA
August 16 - 19, 2008
Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute
Vail, CO
September 25 - 26, 2008
Speaking: Gene Austin, CEO
About Convio Connection
Convio Connection is a bimonthly newsletter for nonprofits on how to attract constituents, drive action and build loyalty through online relationship management. Read past issues.

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