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Convio Common Ground™ CRM and Donor Database for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit Donor Management made easy, flexible and hassle-free

Missing data. Lost contacts. Unwieldy reports. Sound familiar? Managing your nonprofit data and supporter relationships shouldn’t be painful. If your donor database system has seen better days, it may be time to ease the donor management pain and consider Convio Common Ground donor database, a flexible, easy-to-use constituent relationship management system that fits to your nonprofit organization.

What's Inside the Guide?

  • 5 uncommonly cool things you never knew a donor database could do for your nonprofit organization.
  • How Convio Common Ground donor database goes above and beyond traditional nonprofit donor management.
  • How to turn those names in your nonprofit donor database into engaged supporters and evangelists.

Please fill out the form to receive your copy of the Nonprofit Donor Management Guide.

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guide here