Event Champion Best Practices

Convio released a study that evaluated the individual fundraising practices of people who have raised the most money for nonprofit runs, walks and rides using Convio software. Below are a few examples and commentary on event fundraising tips just in time for your Fall event season.


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Creating or being part of a fundraising team can create camaraderie and team work that supports attainment of fundraising goals. In addition the competition amongst team members and versus other teams helps motivate people to attain their goals.

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By including links to personal fundraising webpages and using social media to provide friends, family and associates with updates on training and fundraising progress, participants are raising more money for the charity events that they are participating in. 

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In addition to reaching out to family and friends to support involvement, creating teams of family and friends is a creative way to expand the reach of your campaign and create a fun, competitive fundraising environment. 

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Beyond providing event fundraising opportunities, software like that offered by Convio gives individuals the ability to create online fundraising campaigns in memory or honor of loved ones, to host birthday parties or movie nights that support their favorite charity and more. These personal fundraising pages allow passionate supporters to help the nonprofit raise more money and expand their brand awareness.  

If you would like to request print-quality images, please contact Tad Druart, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications at tdruart@convio.com.



Noel Beebe, product manager, shares:

  1. Key takeaways from the TeamRaiser™ Champion study.
  2. The importance of participant fundraisers to thank new constituents as they become supporters. 
  3. The benefits of software such as TeamRaiser™ in helping nonprofit organizations coach participants to be better fundraisers.
  4. The most fun, creative personal appeal she has seen that helped a participant become a better fundraiser.

Thomas Bressie, marketing manager and endurance athlete, provides insight into

  1. How these tips can help organizations engage athletes who spend so much time training, that raising funds is difficult.
  2. How nonprofits can “crack the community” to use participants to increase the fundraising base.
  3. How a charity can use the competitive nature of athletes to increase fundraising and provide a “neener-neener” to share between competitive friends.
  4. How tying the reward for fundraising success with run, walk or ride success strengthens the relationship and helps get participants back the next year.

Additional multimedia can be found on Convio's Flickr and YouTube pages.

We would like to thank the Convio employees who have shared their passion and their personal fundraising pages with us and the charities they support.


Nonprofit Professionals

Read the full-length report on how top nonprofit event organizers are maximizing the fundraising success of participants.

>> Download now

Members of the Media

For a full length copy of the Event Fundraising study, contact Tad Druart, tdruart@convio.com.

Event Champion Best Practices | Convio