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Website Offers Various Engagement Opportunities
Premium Offering
Remember Points Program
List Growth: National Relief Charities
Grow Email Lists, Improve Email Marketing, Campaign Execution, Strategy Consulting

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The Client
National Relief Charities (NRC) is a nonprofit dedicated to quality of life for Native Americans living on remote and poverty-stricken reservations in the Plains and Southwest.

The Problem
NRC's brochure website generated minimal traffic and offered limited ways for visitors to interact with the organization online. As a result, list growth was hindered significantly; in fact, NRC's supporter base was stagnant and aging, if not declining.

How We Solved It
NRC had an internal team that was dedicated to leveraging the web, combined with an investment in Convio's software and services. Additionally, the organization applied for and received a Google Grant of $10K per month. NRC worked with Convio Client Success Services to create a new campaign, "Remembering Native Americans," designed specifically to build the organization's list. This multi-faceted campaign involved: a premium (Remember Magnet); a survey-based pledge; a branded eCard; fundraising and campaign promotional widgets; branded donation forms; rewards-based tracking and constituent feedback; Google ads that drove constituents to targeted landing pages; paid television placement; and a multi-part automated email cultivation sequence which focused on donor conversion and tied to a point-of-origin in the campaign.

The Outcome
Using this multi-faceted campaign, combined with their $10,000 per month Google grant, NRC is now acquiring over 1,000 new constituents online each month. One percent of these constituents are converting to donors online within six weeks. These prospects are also receiving direct mail solicitations and will soon be targeted via telemarketing as well.

Convio products used: eCards, Email Marketing